There are three ways in which to order your credit report. Keep in mind, if you are married, you just need one joint report. Otherwise, each borrower should order their own individual reports.
1) Order directly with PMC as part of your free, no obligation Prequalification process and report (includes score).
2) Take advantage of your right, per federal law, for a free copy from ALL three credit bureaus no more than once per year, by following the instructions from this specific site:
OR by calling (877)322-8228. While this will provide the raw data in your credit files, it will NOT contain the credit score. In addition to each bureau's report on you, you will receive a Dispute Form from each bureau. This is important if you discover errors.
3) Order directly with the credit bureaus. See below for their contact information and their direct link to dispute information. Each bureau will have its own cost, but no more than $15.50 (maximum permitted in 2024).
While they each may offer to provide you with a "credit score," this will NOT be the same score that mortgage companies will use for evaluation, as their report will access your information from ALL three bureaus, use a different algorithm (credit scoring model), and use the middle score for evaluation purposes.
A) TransUnion
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19016-1000
Phone: (800)916-8800
Order Your Report
B) Experian
P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013
Order Your Report
C) Equifax
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
Order Your Report
See Additional Resources listed on the right for further information regarding credit-related topics and feel free to contact PMC directly if you have any questions regarding this and other helpful topics located within our website.